I P L   P H O T O   F A C I A L

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense Pulsed Light systems use hand-held flash lamps that emit gentle pulses of light which are absorbed in different skin lesions. Excellent long term results are achieved when treating hair, superficial capillaries, skin pigmentation. 

Are pulsed-light aesthetic treatments painful?

‌No. During the procedure, a light, momentary stinging sensation may be felt, but not pain. If one's pain tolerance is low, topical lidocaine may be applied prior to the treatment.

Are pulsed-light Aesthetic treatments safe?

All pulsed-light treatments are non-invasive and safe, with minimum side effects.

What happens after the treatment?

Post treatment the spots will start to darken. You may notice a slight reddening of the surrounding skin. This redness typically subsides within a couple of hours and can last up to 48 hours. Over the course of one to three weeks, the darkened spots of the treated area will fade or flake off.

‌Will the spots reappear over time?

They may or may not. New spots will appear though. And these too can be removed. Remember to apply sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots.

‌Who Should get IPL Treatment?

‌It works best with pale or light brown skin. If your looking to lessen or get rid of:
‌ • Sun spot skin damage
 ‌• Dark spots on the skin
‌ • Brown spots
‌ • Freckles
‌ • Scars